Samsung TV appears multiple times

My son has a Samsung Smart Tv - Samsung 6 Series (55) (UA55MU6100). It is connected to our LAN at home. I have done nothing to set it up in home assistant (6.0 on hassbian). However it turns up on the home assistant front end, often multiple times. I have not been able to isolate what makes more instances, but I have seen up to 10 instances of it.

In the states page in the frontend it presently shows:

media_player.samsung_6_series_55_ua55mu6100 off friendly_name: Samsung 6 Series (55) (UA55MU6100) supported_features: 17721 media_player.samsung_6_series_55_ua55mu6100_2 off friendly_name: Samsung 6 Series (55) (UA55MU6100) supported_features: 17721

Frankly I don’t care if this TV shows up at all in HA. My son is a sorta adult and I have no interest in knowing what he is watching, or in turning his TV on or off to annoy him.

So the point of my post is to:

  1. Draw attention to this bug, and

  2. See if there is any way to stop it showing up at all (given that it is being auto-detected by HA).

Thanks in advance.

Just noticed this in the log every 11 seconds:

2018-02-28 05:02:17 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.media_player] Updating samsungtv media_player took longer than the scheduled update interval 0:00:10

and this less often:

2018-02-28 05:01:54 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.entity] Update of media_player.samsung_6_series_55_ua55mu6100_2 is taking over 10 seconds

Bump, any ideas please?

Not sure why it shows up multiple times. Maybe as it gets assigned a new IP address on your network HA see it as a new device. To prevent from being discovered all together add this to your configuration.yaml:

- samsung_tv

(I can’t get the indentation to show right in this post. See example ignore statment here:

Thank you, I wasn’t aware of the ignore directive.