Samsung TV UE46D5000 on/off switch homekit

Hi there,

Im new to HASS and i love it!:smiley:

I have a samsung tv and want to be able to turn it on or off via homekit (Siri).


  - platform: samsungtv

When adding Media player to the overview page in HASS i can turn de TV of but can’t turn it on any more?

Secord question is how to add TV as a switch in homekit?
(Homekit does not support Media player Card):smirk:

On the developer STATES page a see this

Hope some can help me with this.

i would appreciate any help, tnx

nobody has experience with this?

Sure could use some help…

For exposing it to Home kit you might consider a template switch. Don’t really know about turning it off, I just use a Broadlink IR blaster for operating my Samsung TV. A lot of models are not properly supported as media players.

It seems that i also have to use broadlink too…
It just if im able to turn it off as media player why can’t i turn it back on?
This could be lack of support for this older samsung tv model.

Yes, that :slight_smile: