Satellite Announce not announcing

Oh… upon reading the docs again. It seems I should use a media ID for TTS.
I’ll give that a try. Nope I do not understand that part.

I have created a script that should announce something at a specific date/date on a specific satellite.
I checked this to find out how to announce something.

Script fails with: Entity assist_satellite.satellite_02 does not support action assist_satellite.announce.

Satellite is a wyoming satellite. What am I doing wrong here?

This is the script:

alias: test alarm
  - at: "18:00:00"
    trigger: time
  - condition: template
    value_template: >-
      {{ now().strftime('%A') in ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday',
      'Friday','Sunday'] }}
  - target:
      entity_id: assist_satellite.satellite_02
      message: Your message goes here
    action: assist_satellite.announce
mode: single

Ok, the cause for this not working is that the wyoming satellite is not a mediaplayer. It does not expose itself like that. So you can’t use it to play a message from an action.