Saved logins and refresh tokens ignored in Safari on macOS 10.14.4

I just updated to macOS 10.14.4 and am having an issue, ok really it’s just a minor annoyance, with logins being saved while using Safari. I go to my frontend and it asks for my login. I enter my username and password and log in. It pops up the little box in the lower right corner and asks if I want to save the login. I click “save login”. Home Assistant has created a new refresh token and I can see it when I go to my user profile. If I close the frontend webpage and load it again, it starts all over and requires me to login again. It then creates a new refresh token as if I had never logged in previously.

I am running HA 0.90.2 in a docker container. I was previously running 0.89.1 but did not have these login issues until I updated my computer to macOS 10.14.4. I do not have this issue in Chrome on a W10 machine, nor have I experienced it on my iOS devices, that I can remember. Has anyone else seen this issue as well?

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I can confirm this is an issue with macOS 10.14.4 and the latest Safari Version 12.1 (14607. I have another Mac that has not been updated and is still on macOS 10.14.3 and Safari Version 12.0.3 (14606.4.5) and it does not have issues with remembering saved logins.

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I have come across the same issue. Is there any work around and are the devs aware of this issue? happy to raise an issue on Github.

EDIT: Found your Github post.

Is there any update on this? it’s very annoying. 0.91.1 doesn’t fix anything.

@robbiet480 and I did some screenshare troubleshooting a few nights ago and recreated the issue in a couple ways. He grabbed some screenshots and error messages, but other than that no, no further updates. Does not occur on iOS devices, or at least not the iOS app (v1.5) on iOS 12.1.4. Also does not occur on older versions of safari. The errors he grabbed were related to loading the front end and could be related to the login token being ignored.

Did anybody work out what the problem is here? I am on 10.14.6 with Safari 12.1.2 and seeing the same issue.

I haven’t experienced the issue in a long time. It occurred when I would visit the page frequently or refresh the page frequently. I worked with @robbiet480 on it a while ago and he was unable to reproduce the issue on his setup. I also have not attempted to break it since then. It’s most likely not resolved but I can’t say I’m experiencing it anymore.

so I just ran into this problem again. It seemed to ignore the token, force me to login again and save the login to generate a new token. I refreshed the frontend a few times and it went back to using the old token. So something is causing HA to think a token is either invalid or forcing it to generate a new one, then it will revert back to the old one for some reason.