Scenes Not Working with ZwaveJS2Mqtt


I have tried to troubleshoot this as much as I can but I can not figure out why my Inovelli LZW31-SN switches are not triggering scenes. The switch is on the latest firmware and I believe scene control is enabled. What is the best way to troubleshoot this?

How did you do it before when it worked?

How are you trying to do it now?

What have you done to troubleshoot it?

It worked before with Z-Wave (deprecated) before switching to ZwaveJS2Mqtt. With the Z-Wave (deprecated) they were being used in Node-RED with event zwave.scene_activated. When I switched they stopped working and I upgraded the firmware is hopes that would resolve the issue.

I currently have Node-RED using the event zwave_js_value_notification. I don’t believe scene data is be passed on from ZwaveJS2Mqtt,

I’m kinda hoping I can start from scratch on the troubleshooting so someone can point in the right direction. But I have been watching the logs in ZwaveJS2Mqtt when triggering a scene with the Inovelli switch. I have also been watching for changes in Central Scene in ZwaveJS2Mqtt when triggering a scene. Bot of which seem to show nothing is happening.

Here are two automations that accomplish the same result but the first is using zwave1.4 (deprecated) and the second is using zwavejs2mqtt:

  - alias: LC MBR Lamp Toggle with Scene Switch
      - platform: event
        event_type: zwave.scene_activated
          entity_id: zwave.mbr_scene_switch
          node_id: 35
          scene_id: 1
          scene_data: 2
      - service: script.turn_on
          entity_id: >
            {% if is_state('light.mbr_lamp', 'on') %}
            {% else %}
            {% endif %}
  - alias: LC MBR Lamp Toggle with Scene Switch
      - platform: event
        event_type: zwave_js_value_notification
          node_id: 35
          label: Scene 001
          value: KeyHeldDown
      - service: script.turn_on
          entity_id: >
            {% if is_state('light.mbr_lamp', 'on') %}
            {% else %}
            {% endif %}

I don’t use Node Red so I can’t help you any further with that.

Thanks, but I don’t believe scenes are even making it out of zwavejs2mqtt. I’m looking for help on how to troubleshoot the issue.

have you tried listening to the “zwave_js_value_notification” events in the developer tools section to see if they show up there?

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Yup, nothing shows there.

You’ve mentioned zwavejs2mqtt, but have you actually installed the Z-Wave JS integration?

Make sure parameter 51 , “button delay and scene control”, is set to 1, enable

Yes, it is currently in use.

Check and check.

Next step is probably Debug driver logs.

If the device is not generating Central Scene events, then your problem is there. If it is, then it’s a problem in HA.

You could also try changing param 50 to 1, then back to 7. If you updated firmware, that param was causing trouble for other users.

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Also you’re using the latest version of the addon right? It appears to be 0.30.0 per the github release info

Older versions had an issue with de serializing the central scenes when included with s2 security, and the scenes weren’t coming through. This was fixed in a recent release and should be fine in the latest version. If using s2, you entered the sdk in properly and authenticated it hopefully. If that worked, when you hover over the security bubble in the control panel (need to view on a PC not mobile), does it show S2 Authenticated (see below)? If not you may need to re-include and authenticate the numbers on the SDK Barcode on the switch, or include it with no security.

If none of that works take a look at the logs as suggested by freshcoast above

I think you are on the right path. This is what shows in the logs. They are using S0.

“command must be encrypted but was received without Security encapsulation - discarding it”

Not sure what the problem is, the device seems to have forgotten it was secure. I would just re-include these devices. The LZW31-SN supports S2 security and also SmartStart. You can just exclude them, scan the QR code with z2m, and they’ll be added automatically. Or just go with the classic inclusion using the Default strategy.

The only reason to use S0 is if you’re using direct association with another S0 device. Otherwise even no-security is better than S0, IMO.

Same issue, with the same switch (two of them). I had some issues with them earlier and updated them to the latest firmware and that didn’t fix it. In the process of factory resetting them and re-adding them now. The first one for some reason included with no security.
The second one included with S2 :man_shrugging: