Scheduler card/custom component

Code again:

                              primary_info: '{action}'
                              secondary_info: '{days}{time}'


Works find for me :+1:
Don’t know why you have different result.
Make sure to refresh?

I must say all texts are capitalized… Maybe i should change that.

I refreshed and it still provides me with the same issue…
Do you have a suggestion what to try in order to isolate this?

Furthermore, if I do Add–>Cool–>Next–>Save (sets cool to daily at noon), I get the following:
The second line is missing.

Maybe it is a behavior that comes out of the specific settings that I am using?
I am adding the card code:

                        type: 'custom:scheduler-card'
                        title: false
                        discover_existing: false
                          - '[[my_climate_entity]]'
                              - SET PRESET
                              - SET MODE
                              - TURN OFF
                                - '{action}'
                                - '{days}{time}'
                              - service: set_preset_mode
                                name: Turn AC Off
                                icon: 'mdi:hvac-off'
                                  preset_mode: timeroff
                              - service: set_temperature
                                  hvac_mode: heat
                                  field: temperature
                                  step: 1
                              - service: set_temperature
                                  hvac_mode: cool
                                  field: temperature
                                  step: 1

Thanks a lot for helping resolve this!

This is due to a bug in the translations in HA itself.
If you switch language, chances are that you will suddenly see the time again.
I implemented a workaround for this bug in v1.9.2, looks like you are not running this version yet.

Regarding your other problem: read the docs…
display_options is not a property in customize.
It applies to the whole card.

I am running v1.9.2…
I will continue working on the display_options issue and will update.

Update: Following changing the display_options settings, it’s working. Absolutely amazing card!!!

I don’t know if it’s a bug or not (with 1.9.2 version)

As you can see, the first line (with the time) appears or not. Moreover for the same scheduler, sometimes it appears, sometimes not.

Any idea ?

There was a change made in HA that broke the translations for several languages.
I cannot do anything but wait for an update in HA…
The dev team is working on it.

I am getting the following error in logs:

Logger: homeassistant
Source: custom_components/scheduler/
First occurred: 12:41:57 AM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 12:41:57 AM

Error doing job: Task exception was never retrieved
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/config/custom_components/scheduler/", line 126, in async_start_schedules
    await self._startup_listeners.pop()()
  File "/config/custom_components/scheduler/", line 419, in async_startup_finished
    await self.async_start_timer()
  File "/config/custom_components/scheduler/", line 248, in async_start_timer
    (self._entry, timestamp) = self.dataCollection.get_next_entry()
  File "/config/custom_components/scheduler/", line 163, in get_next_entry
    closest_timestamp = reduce(
TypeError: reduce() of empty sequence with no initial value

Any idea what’s causing it and a fix?

You have a problematic schedule. You’ll have to manually delete it, but I don’t know how you’d do that.

Yeah… the thing has zero entries (tasks).
The card is supposed to hide the save button when you have no task assigned.
Could you share a screenshot of the attributes of this schedule entity?

Thank you very much for resolving your browser blocking error. Version 1.9.3 works perfectly. No page freezing. Thank you again because now I can use the Scheduler to my satisfaction.

1 Like

You might find some use for this @neliss

Also do you think flakehell would be useful for this project?

There seems to be a problem in the display of the next start on DAYS and WORKDAYS.

No display next start

No display next start

Display next start on

Display next start on

@KTibow I’m familiar with that list.
It’s also included in the custom-card-helpers.
I decided to add only icons for domains of which scheduler has built-in actions for.
The real difficult part is finding appropriate icons for every action…

No it’s related to translation of time.
Any schedule that is due within ~6 hours shows up as empty for some languages. Try changing your HA language, perhaps it shows up already.
Ofcourse you can choose to show normal time instead of countdown (via display_options)…

OK, I understand, I set it up in English and it’s OK.

I am running HA inside docker, and I installed both scheduler card and custom component through HACS and they both appear to be installed (at least that’s what HACS shows), but looks like I am stuck at this point. I tried adding a card but I don’t see anything that mentions scheduler.

Needless to say, I am new to HA and I am still finding my way around - hence possibly a silly question.

What am I missing?