Scheduler card/custom component

Can you go to Developer Tools -> Entities and share the attributes/properties of the switch.schedule_xxxx entity that should operate your switch?

Also, can you check in the History what happens both with the schedule entity and the switch entity at the programmed time?

entries: 0DT1756A0

  • service: turn_on
    entity: switch.caldaia

next_trigger: 2020-11-14T17:56:00+00:00
friendly_name: Schedule1
icon: mdi:calendar-clock

In the entity history nothing happened

The schedule entity should show as “Triggered” at 17:56, and “Waiting” at other time in your history.
Can you share the history data?

If it did not go to triggered state, the scheduler has crashed and you should check your HA logs.

schedule entity is always in “waiting”. i have to add something to add more debug log? i cannot see anything strange in the log. how can i check if component is up and running?

Are you using a translator? Could you improve your grammar if you can? You don’t need to enable anything special to access the HA logs.

I know how to access ha logs. But there are no exception error or warning regarding schedule-component. This Is why i asked if there was possible to have more debug log or some other way to check if component Is running…

Look at the logger docs on

Its a timezone problem. Now its 19.58, i set scheduler ti start at 18.58 and switch starter…


For lights, it is possible to turns them with a defined brightness on. It would be nice, when this worked for the color. :thinking:

As Example for Philips Hue or other RGB Lights.

Look through the issues, open and closed, and search for “color”.

I’ve downloaded your code. If you want I can create PR with the changes.

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For everyone who want to know it: Feature request: Color/Light temperature ¡ Issue #115 ¡ nielsfaber/scheduler-card ¡ GitHub

With an action, is a good solution. Thx :ok_hand:t3:

@snoopy1492 @neliss I’ve created PR with generic thermostat changes:
Anyone interested, please add “+1” on it :slight_smile:

All credits go to @snoopy1492


Oh great !
Thank you, I hope it gets integrated in HA.

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Hello, everyone!

I am having trouble implementing display_option change from standard, {entity}:{action} to custom, {action} patern. I have tested a dozen of syntax variations which I encountered at this forum with no success. Below is the latest version of the code which I’ve stopped at before applying here. What’s wrong with that:

`  - type: 'custom:scheduler-card'  `
`    title: 'T1'  `
`    discover_existing: false  `
`    standard_configuration: true  `
`    include:  `
`      - input_number.climate_set_temp_livingroom  `
`    customize:  `
`      input_number.climate_set_temp_livingroom:  `
`        display_options:  `
`          primary_info:  `
`            - '{action}'  `
`        name: t1  `
`        icon: thermometer  `
`        actions:  `
`          - service: input_number.set_value  `
`            name: n1  `

display_options applies to the whole card, not to one entitiy.
So it shouldn’t be placed within customize.
This is also documented.

Thanks! That works now.
Another question: is there any way to set an order of shedules in the display list?

The items are ordered based on the time until they trigger.
You cannot define your own order.
This is also because the list is dynamic, they are discovered from your HA entities database.

I see. That’s also fine. I have 2 parmeters to shedule and was wondering if it is possible to have the shedules for type A placed togather and same stuff for type B so that they would not mix with eachother… I could have two cards for each type or keep it as it is for now, maybe it is not that confusing after all…

@neliss would it be possible to only update the temperature setpoint without changing the HVAC_MODE ?
If I manually turn the thermostat off, to be kept that way when the schedule triggers?

I made a PR for extending the eQ-3 integration but I deliberately not set the HVAC_MODE together with the setpoint because I don’t want the Scheduler to always turn on the thermostat.