Schlage BE469 shows door status, not bolt/lock status

“installation_type”: “Home Assistant Container”,
“version”: “2023.2.5”,
zwave-js: 10.10.0

In the zwave UI I can see three items under Door v2, the last one is lock status, which is what I want to see:

Home Assistant only gives me “Current status of the door” which is always reported as open.

When I downloaded the diagnostic info from the zwave device info in HA, I can see the status:

          "endpoint": 0,
          "commandClass": 98,
          "commandClassName": "Door Lock",
          "property": "doorStatus",
          "propertyName": "doorStatus",
          "ccVersion": 2,
          "metadata": {
            "type": "any",
            "readable": true,
            "writeable": false,
            "label": "Current status of the door"
          "value": "open"
          "endpoint": 0,
          "commandClass": 98,
          "commandClassName": "Door Lock",
          "property": "latchStatus",
          "propertyName": "latchStatus",
          "ccVersion": 2,
          "metadata": {
            "type": "any",
            "readable": true,
            "writeable": false,
            "label": "Current status of the latch"
          "value": "open"
          "endpoint": 0,
          "commandClass": 98,
          "commandClassName": "Door Lock",
          "property": "boltStatus",
          "propertyName": "boltStatus",
          "ccVersion": 2,
          "metadata": {
            "type": "any",
            "readable": true,
            "writeable": false,
            "label": "Current status of the bolt"
          "value": "locked"

How can I get “Current status of the bolt” added to the UI?

Make a feature request topic in the forums, or better yet submit a PR to implement it.

You can also make your own template sensor using a trigger. The example is nearly identical, swap bolt status for latch status.

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or better yet submit a PR to implement it.

Which repo would I look at for this?

I had assumed when a zwave device was added that it’s attributes were queried and nothing was hard coded for any device.

The code to identify and classify the value has to be written, it’s not completely automatic. The combination of command class, property and type all determine how an entity is created. There’s a discovery schema to handle this, and the door lock CC latch and bolt status are going to be identical to the door status:

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