“installation_type”: “Home Assistant Container”,
“version”: “2023.2.5”,
zwave-js: 10.10.0
In the zwave UI I can see three items under Door v2, the last one is lock status, which is what I want to see:
Home Assistant only gives me “Current status of the door” which is always reported as open.
When I downloaded the diagnostic info from the zwave device info in HA, I can see the status:
"endpoint": 0,
"commandClass": 98,
"commandClassName": "Door Lock",
"property": "doorStatus",
"propertyName": "doorStatus",
"ccVersion": 2,
"metadata": {
"type": "any",
"readable": true,
"writeable": false,
"label": "Current status of the door"
"value": "open"
"endpoint": 0,
"commandClass": 98,
"commandClassName": "Door Lock",
"property": "latchStatus",
"propertyName": "latchStatus",
"ccVersion": 2,
"metadata": {
"type": "any",
"readable": true,
"writeable": false,
"label": "Current status of the latch"
"value": "open"
"endpoint": 0,
"commandClass": 98,
"commandClassName": "Door Lock",
"property": "boltStatus",
"propertyName": "boltStatus",
"ccVersion": 2,
"metadata": {
"type": "any",
"readable": true,
"writeable": false,
"label": "Current status of the bolt"
"value": "locked"
How can I get “Current status of the bolt” added to the UI?