Schlage BE469ZP Not Fully-Communicating

I’m trying to understand why my lock isn’t working in my Z-wave network. The device interviews successfully but most parameters end up as unavailable or unknown. I’m able to send lock and unlock commands successfully but I don’t receive any updates to manual or keypad events. I’ve called Schlage and supposedly have a replacement in the mail but they stated that my controller (700-Series Zooz ZST10 S2) isn’t compatible with their devices. I’m also aware that 700-Series devices are a bit of a mess since the protocol itself isn’t well-defined and the ownership changed hands recently. As a troubleshooting step, I paired the lock with an old Aeon Labs Z-Stick Gen 5 and experience similar behavior.

Is anyone having similar problems with this controller? I see several people have functioning setups with this lock - what controllers are being used there?

Any input or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Bumping in hopes for some feedback.

I’ve had a million problems with Schlage (their tech support verified that they were admin asst’s trained to troubleshoot, via script). The fact is, I have yet to talk to anyone at Schlage or the company that make the locks that know exactly what they are talking about. The default is to read the script, ask a question and Oh, we’ll send you a replacement. Guess what, I have 5 replacements in my garage right now, brand new, in box.

Enough of my hate about the Schlage folk. I have a 700 ZST10 stick and for the first time was able to include my locks without any problem.

1st thing I learned, you must force security - for whatever reason, every time I’ve tried to include “without” security or with security “not forced” (I think that’s the term), I got unavailable, unknown messages about the lock, sometime they would eventually get their name correct and sometime not, but eventually they would drop from the network.

Also, ensure your 700 stick is on the latest version. Prior to upgrading my Firmware to the latest version, I had to move the USB directly next to the lock. After upgrade, these bad boys were able to include with forced security and have been solid even though the USB was 20 ft away.

I use ZwavejsUI - that worked much better than ZwaveJS, don’t ask why but it did.

Well… huh! That was unexpected. First, I have a 500 series controller and not a 700. I was certain I had the newer one but the label on the stick said otherwise.
With that being the case, I stopped the hunt to update firmware and decided to try excluding and adding the lock (again). I removed it from the door and took it to the closet where my setup is located, clicked add device, told it to use “Secure If Possible”, and everything just… worked! It asked for my security code, interviewed the device (I had to toggle the lock to get that to finish), and started reporting everything as expected.
I feel silly, somehow, that everything worked when I follow the instructions exactly, but I’m grateful to have it up and running, finally! Thanks for the suggestions and tips @AJHomeAsst - I think that’s what finally got me over the hump!

Always welcome. I have no idea why these specific locks are so sensitive, unlike other brands that just seem to work out of the box and, OBTW, provide firmware updates, unlike Schlage/Allegion. Also, you probably noticed that the lock does not report whether its open or closed, that’s due to them not fully supporting the locks by providing a magnet that inserts in the door to provide that status. LAME - I really like these locks, but this corporate brand support of it is lacking.

I just assumed the poor functionality was a product of the lock industry in general. Similar to how in-car infotainment systems should always be supplemented with Google/Apple maps, smart locks from mainline lock mfrs will always be finicky.
Yes, I did notice the door state is always “open” and wondered what that was about. I’ve piggy-backed off my home security system, so I haven’t lost that knowledge, but it’s an interesting omission… Almost seems like vestigial code from an older or higher-optioned model.