Scrape/RESTful Help with Webpage

I’m trying to grab a couple values from this webpage (circled in red):

Poking around I’ve found what I assume are the functions used to get these values, but I’m really at a total loss how (or if it’s even possible) to pull these values into HA.

I’m hoping someone much smarter than me will be able to pretty easily tell whether this is even possible and ideally how exactly to pull this into HA. I’ve used RESTful sensors before, but it’s always been a bit more straightforward finding the values I’m after. Thanks a ton in advance!

I’m afraid this page does not easily fetch you those particular values. It appears that the page uses a websocket connection (wss:// to subscribe to updates of those values that are then sent over by the server.
I am not aware of any integration that could help you achieve the same, and there is a high likelihood that the website even prevents you from making those websocket connections from the outside.

Bummer, that’s was I was afraid of…
Thanks a ton for checking and letting me know though!

It looks like there is an api that could be used.

Good find!

Unfortunately, interacting with an API is just a little past my skillset. Plus, it also looks like some credentials are needed, which I don’t have and kind of doubt they’d provide since I’m not their customer.

Thanks again for the help!