Script to purge files in directory


I have a surveliance camera and are storing snapshots from it in a folder on my HA server (which is on a Rpi). The pictures are uploaded via FTP.

To delete the images in the folder I created a script to run a shell command, but every time when I run the scripts the UI stops responding and I’m getting " 504 Gateway Time-out" from Nginx.

This is what the scripts looks like:

    purge_all_cam_images: rm -r /share/garagecam/5C07A6APAA9E04B

        alias: Delete files
          - service: shell_command.purge_all_cam_images

Any ideas in what I’m doing wrong?
“rm -r” is working if I configure it as a command_line switch.

When the UI stops responding, is there any other ways to reboot the server rather than pulling the plug?