SD card dead?

When i booted my pi today, i got following error:

kernel panic - not syncing vfs unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(179 2)

Is my SD card now dead and do i have to reinstall everything?
Or is there a way to fix it or recover my home assistant files?

Hope you guys can help!

I’ve the same problem.
Any idea?

Didn’t got it fixed.
You’ll have re-install your pi.

What is causing this problem is that you probably plugged your pi out of the power without a proper shutdown. This causes the sd card to not boot anymore.
So if you want to pull out the power of the pi, make sure you shutdown it correctly.

The problem was so bad with the SD, that’s it’s dead. Can’t format it anymore,…

Also worth reminding people to use an original Raspberry Pi PSU or something robust. So many people plug them into low current phone chargers and then wonder why their SD cards get corrupt.