I have installed a HA on my Netgear Gateway which is running a LEDE system. I installed a Z-wave USB dongle on it, and I can add Z-wave devices to it. It works good with Z-wave door sensors and other devices
Today I’m trying to add a Z-wave Lock to it. To support all the commands like “”Lock/unlock“” on the Z-wave Lock, I need to enable the security key in the option.xml, then click “Add Security Node” on the HA Z-wave GUI. And indeed, the Z-wave Lock is added, and is assigned with a new Node ID. But right after receiving a state change event from the Lock, HA crashed with a “Segment Fault” error. I tried several times, and this “Segment Fault” can be reproduced almost 100%. But if I remove the security key and reboot HA, it does not happen again. Anybody is familiar with that?
Yes, it is a kind of openwrt. I think this is not a hardware issue. The only hardware is the USB dongle. And it works good with z-wave devices that does not require security key. It only has problem when adding a zwave device with security key like a LOCK.
I tried several times, when I uncomment the security key in option.xml, it will crash with “Segment Fault” when receiving a state change from the zwave device. Then I comment the security key, it won’t crash.
I suspect it is a bug in the openzwave lib that is used by homeassistant, which cause a “Segment Fault” when parsing a message from the zwave node.