Availing myself to the community, namely those with more templating experience than I.
Built myself a python script feeding JSON into sensor.tpgtraffic.
This returns a lovely set of attributes (just using a dummy “Ok” state)…
line: '1'
time: '08:07'
description: Fin de perturbation - Retour progressif à la fréquence normale.
line: '23'
time: '07:25'
description: >-
Panne de véhicule - Le voyage de Aéroport-P47 07h24 à destination de
Carouge-Tours est supprimé. Prochain départ à 07h35.
line: '22'
time: '07:24'
description: >-
Travaux - La ligne à destination de Ziplo est déviée entre les Bruyères et
Ziplo. Arrêts Centenaire, Champ-des-Filles et Pré-Fleuri non desservis.
…which I assumed, with a little work, I could parse down into usable data using templating tools. The idea was to loop through the top level reports, grabbing the individual line, time, and description elements, and outputting them as strings. Rinse, repeat. A few hours of playing with selectattr, map, and all the other usual suspects have led nowhere.
Ultimately I just want to present the data, attractively (of course), in a heavily styled markdown card, but I appear to be out of my depth.
Any advice? I’ve already pillaged the forums and the Jinja documentation, both of which I fear are useless without a bit more direction.