HI, so I’ll post what I want to do first and then what I’ve managed to do at the end.
What I want to do
So what I want to achieve is a little novelty self destruct sequence. I have a tablet mounted by my front door running Fully Kiosk, I want to be able to press one button which will launch this video (this can either be from a native copy or via youtube) on the tablet screen, then change all my lights to pulse red for the duration of the video.
Stretch goals:
- Play the same video on several Amazon Fire Sticks connected to TVs around the house at the same time
- Play the audio from the video on several Amazon echo devices at the same time
- Have an “are you sure” prompt when the button is pressed
Where I am
Ok… so here is what I have managed to far… This button will allow me to play the video on my tablet, and even achieves the strech goal of having an “are you sure” prompt:
type: custom:button-card
colortype: card
name: Self Destruct
action: url
url_path: https://youtu.be/EO9x0y5lqD0
text: Are you sure you wish to initiate self destruct?
However this doesn’t allow me to add any further actions. Like call a script to blink the lights… I can do either one or the other, but not both from the same button
As for the lights I have come up with this:
alias: Red Warning Blink
- repeat:
until: []
- service: light.turn_on
transition: 2
color_name: red
- dining_room
- hallway
- cinema_room
- service: light.turn_off
transition: 2
- dining_room
- cinema_room
- hallway
mode: single
However I’m unsure what to add as a trigger to stop the repeat.
Thanks in advance for everyone’s help