I’ve created an automation which sends an image to my phone when someone enters the house in a given time interval (the cleaning lady)
I am using webcam to take a snapshot of the entrance of my house. It is very easy to setup the webcam on raspberry pi. Use lsusb
command to see if your webcam is usable after connecting it through usb. If there is an entry it is usable.
For instance mine has an entry like this, It is an action cam from gearbest.
Bus 001 Device 004: ID xxxx:xxxx Silicon Motion, Inc. - Taiwan (formerly Feiya Technology Corp.) Silicon Motion Camera
You install with:
sudo apt-get install fswebcam
After that you can play around with fswebcam commands but don’t forget to save the image under www folder. Otherwise the ios notification will not be able to access it. If any one knows a better way they are welcome to contribute.
The configuration parameter to add the webcam. This just takes a snapshot and puts it in folder.
take_snapshot: fswebcam --no-banner -r 1280x720 /home/pi/.homeassistant/www/image.jpg
Also using the time sensor to get the current time and setup the ios notification service
- platform: time_date
- 'time'
- 'date'
- 'date_time'
- platform: ios
name: ios
target: xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Finaly the automation is as follows:
binary_sensor.door_window_sensor_xxxxxxxxxx is a xiaomi contact sensor which let’s me understand when the door is opened. The cleaning lady comes around 9:30-10. So if the door opens between 9-12 I send a message. The web cam takes a shot 3 seconds after the door is opened to ensure the person enters the house, otherwise it would just be a picture of the door. There is also a 3 seconds delay after the snapshot to ensure that the picture is saved on the pi (it takes around 1 seconds to capture and save the picture)
- id: 'auto33'
alias: 'If doors opens at (9-12) on monday send message'
platform: state
entity_id: binary_sensor.door_window_sensor_xxxxxxxxxxxxx
to: 'on'
condition: and
- condition: time
- mon
- condition: time
after: '09:00:00'
- condition: time
before: '12:00:00'
- delay: 00:00:03
- service: shell_command.take_snapshot
- delay: 00:00:03
- service: notify.ios
title: 'Cleaning lady'
message: '{{ states("sensor.date__time") }} Cleaning lady @home'
url: https://xxxxxxxx.ddns.net/local/image.jpg
content-type: jpg
hide-thumbnail: false
The cleaning lady leaves around 3 o’clock. So I set the automation as follows. There is no delay before taking a snapshot here because the door is being opened from the inside this time.
- id: 'auto34'
alias: 'If door opens at (12-16) send message'
platform: state
entity_id: binary_sensor.door_window_sensor_xxxxxxxxxxxx
to: 'on'
condition: and
- condition: time
- mon
- condition: time
after: '12:00:00'
- condition: time
before: '16:00:00'
- service: shell_command.take_snapshot
- delay: 00:00:03
- service: notify.ios
title: 'Cleaning gone'
message: '{{ states("sensor.date__time") }} Cleaning done'
url: https://xxxxxx.ddns.net/local/image.jpg
content-type: jpg
hide-thumbnail: false
One thing I don’t like about this setup is that the picture saved in www folder is accessible from the internet, without the need of a password. That is also the reason why ios notification is able to access it. Is there any other method to do this more securely?