Send commands to Mycroft

Hi all. I’m keen to see if I can send commands to my Mycroft/Picroft assistant from homeassistant.
I have read and have successfully sent a message using the notify.mycroft service, but mycroft simply reads out the text. Useful, but I would like more… :slight_smile:

I would like my homeassistant script to include a step where mycroft reads out the weather forecast. So I wonder if I can send the equivalent of a voice utterance from homeassistant to mycroft and mycroft will handle it as if I have spoken to it.



I would also like to know how I can send a simple command from hassio to mycroft. I can tell mycroft with my voice “turn on lights” and it will send the command to hassio to turn on the lights. But I want to also do the other way around as there are certain functions in mycroft that I want to trigger using a button in hassio.

The official hassio documentation OP linked is misleading as there is no way for the current mycroftapi library that is used (over 4 years old) to send commands to mycroft, only text to read out loud. This should at least be updated so it does not cause confusion about what this integration really does.

Does anyone know an alternative way to send actual commands to mycroft via a button in hassio?