Send notification every (30 min) if door is open

I am trying to find the best way to trigger an action based on last_changed?
Check every 30 minutes from last_changed, if the garage door is open, send notification.

Trying to avoid:

  - minutes: /30
    platform: time_pattern

It triggers based on the current time, every half hour, and hour. If it is 5 minutes till the hour, it will trigger in 5minutes, not 30 minutes.

Currently, I have the following setup and working, but is there a better way?

# Time from last change in minutes
# Divide minutes by 30
# For loop (24 hours = 48 half hours)
# If minutes divided by 30 equals a whole number
# Set state of the sensor to 'open'
  - platform: template
        value_template: >
          {% set duration = ((states.sensor.time.last_changed - states.cover.garage_door.last_changed).total_seconds() / 60) | round(0) %}
          {%- set time_check = (duration / 30 ) -%}
          {%- for i in range(0, 48) -%}
          {%- set check = (time_check == i) -%}
          {%- if check == true %}open{% endif -%}
          {%- endfor %}

  - platform: time_date
      - 'time'


- id: 'TEST_OPEN_30'
  alias: Garage Door Open (30min)
  description: ''
  - entity_id: sensor.garage_timer
    platform: state
    to: open
  - condition: and
    - condition: state
      entity_id: cover.garage_door
      state: open
  - data:
        - action: close_garage_door_now
          title: Close Garage Door?
        - action: ignore
          title: Ignore?
        vibrationPattern: 100, 1000, 100, 1000, 100
      message: Garage Door is OPEN!
      title: Home Automation
    service: notify.mobile_app_My_Phone
  mode: single

This looks like a good candidate for the lastest automation changes outlined in which all can be done from a single automation without the need of an additional template sensor.



Thanks for sharing. This looks like a great solution to an issue I also want to solve. It seems the only difference between your and my setup is that you are using a cover entity and I have a door sensor which is listed as a binary sensor. I tried to modify the code like this:


  - platform: template
        value_template: >
          {% set duration = ((states.sensor.time.last_changed - states.binary_sensor.haustuer.last_changed).total_seconds() / 60) | round(0) %}
          {%- set time_check = (duration / 30 ) -%}
          {%- for i in range(0, 48) -%}
          {%- set check = (time_check == i) -%}
          {%- if check == true %}open{% endif -%}
          {%- endfor %}

  - platform: time_date
      - 'time'


- id: '1599636801727'
  alias: Alarm when Entrance door open for 30 min
  description: ''
  - entity_id: sensor.entrance_timer
    platform: state
    to: open
  - condition: and
    - condition: state
      entity_id: binary_sensor.haustuer
      state: open
  - data:
        - action: close_entrance_door_now
          title: Close Entrance Door?
      message: Entrance Door is OPEN!
      title: Home Automation
    service: notify.mobile_app_thomasiphone
  mode: single

I can’t see any error in the logs but the issue is that the action (phone message) never will be fired. Any help would be appreciated. I also couldn’t find out how to get the value for states.binary_sensor.haustuer.last_changed to debug it a bit more.


Ok, I checked out “Alert” and the Config Variable: notifiers requires notification integration. However, I do not see the Moblie Companion App option and therefore can’t send the actionable notification that allows me to close the garage door from my phone.

Am I missing something?

    name: Garage is open
    done_message: Garage is closed
    entity_id: input_boolean.garage_door
    state: 'on'
      - 30
    can_acknowledge: true
    skip_first: true
      - **??????????????**

I think the Automation Mode: Restart “Start a new run after first stopping previous run.”
I added a 30 min delay and the

- id: 'TEST_OPEN_30'
  # See the first post
  - delay: 00:30:00
  mode: restart

I tried the Automation Modes Restart and Queued. However, they didn’t seem to work as I excepted. Restarted seemed to trigger even when the door was closed and queued I couldn’t get to trigger again. I also tried using a wait_template, assuming it would exit the queued loop if the door was closed.

  - timeout: 00:30:00
    wait_template: '{{is_state(''cover.garage_door'', ''closed'')}}'
  mode: queued
  max: 10

I am still learning, if you have suggestions on Alerts and Automation Modes, please let me know.

Alert - Home Assistant

For notifiers that require other parameters (such as twilio_sms which requires you specify a target parameter when sending the notification), you can use the group notification to wrap them for an alert. Simply create a group notification type with a single notification member (such as twilio_sms) specifying the required parameters other than message provided by the alert component:

Hey Thomas, I am fairly new to Hassio and am learning as I go.

I had to make a small change to the for loop **{%- for i in range(0, 48) -%}*, starting the loop at 0 was setting the check to be true. Change it to {%- for i in range(1, 48) -%}.

For debugging, I use the Developer Tools > TEMPLATES.
{{states.sensor.time.last_changed}} you should see the output of the right “2020-09-11 21:10:00.074934+00:00”
Something for states.binary_sensor.haustuer.last_changed
You can use {{states.binary_sensor.haustuer}} and you should see your state options.

Great. Thanks so much also for the debugging help with it. Sadly it still doesn’t work for me. Would be be ok with you pasting your complete code for this automation (related parts of automation and configuration.yaml) here please. I sense there must be another slight difference. Thank you very much.

Has this been solved as i am very interessted as well

Good idea, I adjusted the whole thing for myself and also optimized a little. Here without template, directly as a template trigger in the automation and a group for all checked entities:

- alias: Door - Door open longer 5 minutes
  id: auto_door_5min_open

  mode: parallel
  max: 10
  max_exceeded: warning


    - platform: template
      value_template: >-
        {% set output = namespace(state=false) %}
        {% for entity in (expand('group.grp_door') | rejectattr('state','in',['unknown','unavailable']) | map(attribute='entity_id')) %}
          {% if (states(entity) == 'on') %}
            {% set duration = ((now() - states[entity].last_changed).total_seconds() / 60) | round(0) %}
            {% if duration > 0 and duration % 5 == 0 %} # 5 Minuten
                {% set output.state=true %}
            {% endif %}
          {% endif %}
        {% endfor %}
        {{- output.state -}}


    meldung_entity_id: >-
      {% set members = namespace(entities=[]) %}
      {% for entity in (expand('group.grp_door') | rejectattr('state','in',['unknown','unavailable']) | map(attribute='entity_id')) %}
        {% if (states(entity) == 'on') %}
          {% set duration = ((now() - states[entity].last_changed).total_seconds() / 60) | round(0) %}
          {% if duration >= 5 %} # 5 Minuten
            {% set members.entities = members.entities + [entity] %}
          {% endif %}
        {% endif %}
      {% endfor %}
      {{- members.entities -}}


    - repeat:
        for_each: " {{- meldung_entity_id -}} "
          - service: script.script_sonos_say2 # script to say something or ...
                - group.grp_sonosmedia_tts
              message: >-
                {% set duration = ((now() - states[repeat.item].last_changed).total_seconds() / 60) | round(0) %}
                {{- state_attr(repeat.item,'friendly_name') + ' bereits ĂĽber ' + (duration|string) + ' Minuten offen' -}}
          - delay:
              seconds: 5

If you have questions, let me know …