Sending a Snapshot to an email address form an ONVIF camera on sensor activation?

I have an existing Home assistant setup that I’ve been using to manage smart lights and door sensors, but these were pretty much plug and play devices so in real terms I know pretty much nothing about Home assistant, how to use it, or how to set anything up on it.

I’ve read the documentation, but don’t really understand what it’s telling me well enough to use it effectively. Mostly, I’m falling at the first hurdle because I don’t know what the terminology means in order to follow the instructions. So perhaps someone here could dumb it down for me, or preferably direct me to a Youtube video that simply shows me what to do rather than tells me, if you get my meaning.

I have several generic ONVIF camera. I’ve used the plug and play interface in the phone app to set them up on Home Assistant. I can see the pictures and control things like the IR and so on.

I have a PIR. If the PIR is tripped I want to trigger a snapshot on all of the camera at once, and then email those snapshots to a specific email address.

I have set the PIR up, and confirmed that it’s triggering OK.
I’ve found how to trigger a snapshot on each camera when the PIR is triggered, but I simply cannot figure out how to get it to do anything with the snapshot, either to confirm that it’s been taken or to email it out.

My aim is that if the PIR is triggered a close up camera will take a picture of whoever is at the door, while a distant camera will take a wide angle snapshot so that you can see if he has any friends hiding around the corner, or a vehicle on the street outside, or stuff like that.

I need this to be sent via email, rather than by any other means. Right now, This is the bit that I need help with.