Sending a string / data to Android smartphone


is there a integration / add-on / HACS that is able to send a string to a mobile phone / Android?
I was previously using this with Raspberry OS. I used the webserver to “read” some data from a file with temparature values. The data was coming from a tail -1 command from a logfile with the corresponding values.

Now I’m running HAOS, looking for a new solution.
I would like to display this data inside a KWGT widget on my Android phone.

Thanks and best regards

Do you use Tasker? As of now I’m doing all communications between ha and kwgt via tasker.

There is a tasker plug-in, hasn’t been updated since Jan 2020 thought, but works reasonably, and you get access directly to sensors, services etc in tasker.

Or you can use Tasker Join, a bit more work in the way that you have to specify in HA, or Node-RED, what to send or recieve. I have set an attribute “tasker: true” on sensors etc whose state I want sent to KWGT.

I’m trying to figure out if it’s possible to send directly from Hass to KWGT, but so far I haven’t found out. You can send broadcasts to KWGT (that is what you do from tasker) but how to do it from hass (or Node-RED) I have no clue :slight_smile:

Finally I was able to run a shell command in HA to create a file with the latest values using “tail -1” from the logfile of values.
I’m retrieving these latest values via http from my phone using Tasker.