Sending packet with Broadlink no longer works

Hello. I have a node-red automation for my fireplace which has worked well in the past. However, as of the cold weather coming around this season it is no longer working properly. I am now getting an API error when trying to send an IR command via a packet to the Broadlink device.

I have the following in my data template with “Broadlink” as the domain and “send” as the service:

   {"host":"","packet":"eACgAiA...LONG PACKET"}

This gives me the following error:

“Call-service API error. Error Message: Service not found.”

Likewise, if I change it to use “remote” as the domain and “send_command” as the service then I get the following error:

“Call-service API error. Error Message: extra keys not allowed @ data[‘host’]”

Anyone have an idea what has changed with this integration that would prevent me from calling the broadlink in this manner?

You can use the remote.send_command service with this data: {"entity_id":"remote.bedroom","command":"b64:eACgAiA...LONG PACKET"}

You can also call remote.learn_command first and then call the service with the command and device:

Read the docs for more examples.