Sending temperatur to KNX

Hi, I’m new to Home assistant. I have a house with KNX and have temperature-sensor in all rooms.
In that sensor I can show the outdoor temperature, and in home assistant I’ve the outdoor temperature. But How do I send that value to a group-address??

Thankful for all inputs.

How do I write “data” in Call service to send msg.payload. This is the example with my groupaddress.
{“address”: “5/0/2”, “payload”: 0, “type”: “temperature”}
This sends 0 to my knx.

Have a look into the exposing section

I seem to only understand parts of your question, but have a look at the documentation - it will explain most common things like this.

Or search for knx.send service

Hello @farmio! I’m also a new member and I also want to sent the outside temperature to the KNX bus in my home installation. For that I want to use the sensor.outdoor_temperature from the Buderus thermostat that I previously configured in HA. Is that possible? The code in the yaml looks like this but I did’nt get the temperature on the MDT Glastaster.

    - type: temperature
      entity_id: sensor.outdoor_temperature
      address: "0/1/0"

Thank you in advance!

Hi :wave:!
Yes that’s what expose is for. It sends only on a changed value though. So if you don’t have any error messages in your logs (eg. regarding yaml syntax) this should be fine.

Hi, thank you for the fast reply!! No, I don’t have any error message, but the Temperature already changed a few times and the value on the Glastaster is always zero…

Did you restart the KNX integration?
Does the value hit the bus? Have a look with ETS Group Monitor.

It works now! Sorry, my bad! I have used the wrong Status address from the MDT Glastaster… :man_facepalming:
Thank you for your engagement in all the topics! Respect :clap:

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