I’m not able to track any sense devices power consumption using the latest version of hassio.
Did you meant to link to this rather than the developer document for sensor entities?
An issue has been opened:
Tom I have the individual devices listed in hassio but they do not show up for the new energy features as devices I can track for electricity usage. The only one that shows up is daily usage.
Hassio has not been a thing for nearly two years. Please stop calling Home Assistant that.
The only sensors you can track are energy sensors (kWh or Wh). Are you missing any of them?
If so, the issue I linked to is relevant.
I’m not missing the sense entities for these devices in home assistant (not hassio) but they are missing when I try to use the energy feature to track the individual devices. It’s hard to start calling something you used for years by a different name. So please excuse my mishap. Thanks I have updated the site you linked and chimed in letting them know I’m seeing the same issue.
Ok, so the issue that I linked above is relevant. It has been reported. You just have to wait for a fix.
I appreciate the help. Thanks again.
I have this problem too. The sense integration is basically an orphan, it hasn’t been updated in 4 years; it may be that the code owner’s not really involved with HA anymore. I too would like this to work better with the Energy integration. Should require at a minimum just creating some usage sensors for the individual devices that are expressed in kwh. I’ll fork and try.