My Sensi ST75WC thermostat had been working great until yesterday through the sensi integration GitHub - iprak/sensi: HomeAssistant integration for Sensi thermostat. Tried to reinstall it again and it gets stuck on when I input my credentials which are the same as the mobile sensi app. Works fine when installing through Homekit in HA. Dont want to use Homekit since it does not give me the humidity sensor but the other integration does. Anyone else having the same issue? thanks!
Have you checked in the source Git Repo, maybe there is an issue up there or something.
Hi James, thanks for the reply. I’m still fairly new with HA. What should I be looking for in the repository?
Look under issues if someone has reported this already, or there might be help in the README file, or there could be a wiki or discussions page. If all else fails, write a new issue.
Thanks for the info!
Did you ever get it to work? I’m having the same issue. It stopped working and is asking me to enter my credentials. Is that my password or user name for Sensi?
Hi Harry, if I remember correctly, it was my Sensi credentials. I went through the whole process again and it eventually worked.
I cant get mine to work.
Just says invalid credentials when i just logged into the app with the same credentials
Try this, it finaly worked for me (temp and humidity:
(1) Reconnect the sensi to the network manually without going through Homekit.
(2) Remove the Sensi integration (HACS and integration as well)
(3) Download Sensi through HACS
(4) Reboot
(5) Go to integrations, choose sensi
(6) Login to Sensi Manager, do f12 and get token refresh value in token refresh
(7) In the devices, add device, paste token value
(8) the thermostat should re-appear. with humidity and temperature