Sensibo. Changing available modes to only relevant ones


I have an old Air conditioner which only cools. I have connected a Sensibo Air controling it and it shows all the modes, however the problem is that it will only respond to the cool mode.

Is there anyway of removing hvac modes which are not relevant.

Thanks in advance

I never got a response to this, but I did do a kludgy solution.

Basically I since I have a sky remote, I needed to remove this from homekit and connect it directly to home assistant. Not a big deal, otherwise because the the sensibo integration is a remote one it would take ages (30-60 seconds) for the entity to update in home assistant if I used Homekit to turn it on, and then I exported it back to Homekit.

Then I created an automation which would change the mode to cool if any other (mainly auto) would be set.

I can still see the modes but at least when you select anything but cool it will change to cool.