Sensor for water consumption - via utility meter helper?


I am trying to figure out how to add water consumption from my Digital Hand Shower to the Energy Dashboard…

I have an ESPhome based sensor, which (unfortunately) starts form 0 every time a new shower is started…

The sensor has been configures in ESPhome as:

# Current water consumption in m³

- platform: template
  name: "dsh_curShowerM3"
  id: dsh_curShowerM3
  device_class: water
  icon: 'mdi:cup-water'
  unit_of_measurement: "m³"
  accuracy_decimals: 5
  update_interval: never
  state_class: total_increasing

In order to have something more useful, I have created an utility meter helper, using the sensor above as input …
But this utility meter sensor does not show up in the selection of water consumption for the dashboard (and more than 2 hours has passed)…

The utility meter helper resets once per month - could this be the issue ? Or can utility meter helpers simply not be used for measuring water ? Or is it a config problem ?


There is a bug that is such that « water » does not follow. Add it to the sensor and it will work

I guess I will have to create the utility meter using yaml in configuration.yaaml - instead of via the GUI ?
Is there a bug report on the issue ?

I have a customize.yaml file in which I added such lines

device_class: water
device_class: water

I already discussed with ha team and they don’t consider that this is an issue but an evolution .
I don’t agree but I think that I will do an evolution request one day !

I have seen that issue before but with me this works…

      - name: "Water Usage"
        unique_id: Water_Main
        unit_of_measurement: "m³"
        device_class: water
        state_class: total_increasing
        state: "{{ states('input_number.watermeter') |float(0) }}"

The issue is when from this sensor ( with the water attribute) you create a daily utility meter
In that case and for water only the water attribute is lost

Is this still the case as of today? When you create a utility meter using a water device_class as input, the device_class does not follow to the utility meter?

I have created a utility meter using a water input. It has been getting updated for over 24 hours and has multiple readings, but, I can’t add it to the energy dashboard. The device_class is set for the utility meter that was created using the GUI.

Here is the config from developer tools for the utility meter.

state_class: total_increasing
source: sensor.water_total_m3
status: collecting
last_period: '0'
last_valid_state: '5651.557'
meter_period: monthly
cron pattern: 0 0 29 * *
last_reset: '2023-06-13T01:27:00.304177+00:00'
unit_of_measurement: m3
icon: mdi:water-percent
friendly_name: Water usage monthly
device_class: water

I can add the utility meter input sensor sensor.water_total_m3 to the energy dashboard.

I have rebooted the HASS host to see if the utility meter would show up in the energy dashboard water consumption dropdown. No dice.

Am I missing something?