Yes, the best way to do this it to group your PIR/MMW sensor and then use the group only as the trigger. It then will work perfectly for you.
For more information on grouping your trigger sensors Click Here
Yes, the best way to do this it to group your PIR/MMW sensor and then use the group only as the trigger. It then will work perfectly for you.
For more information on grouping your trigger sensors Click Here
All your YAML looks good.
Lets look at your suggestion to see if it works as you could be on the right track.
This is the new code that will look at the distinction between rising and falling.
{{ (((is_state_attr('sun.sun', 'rising', false))
and (state_attr('sun.sun', 'elevation') < -1.0))
and now().hour < 21)
or ((now().hour >= 7
and (is_state_attr('sun.sun', 'rising', true))
and (state_attr('sun.sun', 'elevation') < -3.0))) }}
hi, i need more lux ! mein sensor detect on daylight 3000 and more. your blueprint ends at 500 and 1000
Pls try again, the link had a wrong expiration, now I fixed it
Ok now I discovered the same problem appears even with tv lights addon, but not only for led scrivania, but all lights
It only seems to be a problem when they’re used at the same time: if no presence is detected after the TV shuts off, the add-on turns the light on, and then the sensor immediately turns it off again, causing a mess.
For some strange reason, the blueprint stops working in v7.9. I have door sensor and Motion sensor grouped together which worked okay, but now I see this under traces:
Stopped because a condition failed at 4 February 2025 at 20:37:02 (runtime: 0.02 seconds)
If I manually Run it, it works fine.
Hey there! Love the template, I’ve got a question though about toggle helpers.
I use a scene to turn the lights on, off and a different scene to turn them on at night with the night light feature.
Am I supposed to use the same Toggle Helper in both the Lights-section “Scenes & Scripts - Toggle Helper” and the Night Lights-section “Night Lights - Scenes & Scripts - Toggle Helper”? Or should I use two independent ones?
For clarification, I also have the Bypass Option “3 - Enable the Bypass - Keep the lights current state” enabled together with the “Enable the auto OFF for the bypass switch - Keep The Lights Current State” option. For that I have a seperate input_boolean configured.
I’m having some issues either way.
Case 1: I use one shared Toggle Helper for both the Lights and Night Lights sections:
In that case, after turning OFF the Bypass, my lights also turn OFF (OFF scene is being triggered), even though the motion sensor is ON, and thus my OFF-scene should not be triggered.
Case 2: I use two seperate Toggle Helpers “TH-Day” and “TH-Night” for Lights and Night Lights sections:
In this case, the issue from Case 1 does not happen, the lights stay ON when I turn OFF the Bypass as long as the motion sensor is ON.
What I do have an issue with is the time when it goes past “Night Lights - Start Time” while the normal lights (as in my “daytime”-scene) and thus also TH-Day are currently turned ON.
In the case that my normal lights are turned ON (Toggle Helper TH-Day for normal lights is also ON) & the time shifts into the Night Lights phase & then my lights are turned OFF by the automation (no more motion occupancy), what will happen is: The lights turn OFF (off-scene being triggered), but TH-Day will stay ON, causing the automation to break and not toggle the Night Lights on by motion anymore afterwards. At this point I have to manually turn OFF TH-Day.
Is there anything in my setup wrong, or am I missing something?
Latest Config I’m using:
alias: Motion - Automate Bathroom Lights
description: ""
path: Blackshome/sensor-light.yaml
- binary_sensor.bathroom_motion_occupancy
entity_id: scene.bathroom_shower
time_delay: 1
include_light_control: []
include_light_colour_control: use_colour_temperature
light_colour_temperature: 2000
include_night_lights: night_lights_enabled
- time_enabled
- bypass_enabled_stop
- input_boolean.bathroom_presence_motion_bypass
night_lights_after_time: "23:00:00"
night_lights_before_time: "07:00:00"
entity_id: scene.bathroom_night
night_time_delay: 1
include_night_light_control: []
night_light_brightness: 2
night_light_colour_temperature: 2000
night_light_transition_on: 1
- bypass_auto_off_enabled_stop
boolean_scenes_scripts: input_boolean.bathroom_toggle_helper
- scene.bathroom_off
- script.bathroom_toggle_helper_off_fix
night_boolean_scenes_scripts: input_boolean.bathroom_night_toggle_helper
bypass_auto_off_delay: 45
Thank you in advance!
EDIT: I’m still running Version 7.8, can test it again with 7.9, but it seems it only includes fixes for Night Glow, if I see it right.
EDIT2: Issue persists with Version 7.9.
EDIT3: As a workaround I now added a script to “Lights: Scenes - Scripts To Turn OFF”, that just turns off both my Toggle Helpers TH-Day and TH-Night, which seems to fix the issue. So it seems the Toggle Helpers should just be turned OFF by the automation when changing over from day time to night time?
EDIT4: Added config inclding the workaround from EDIT3.
It’s hard to follow what’s happening because there are many scenes, and I have no idea what each scene contains.
TIP: When to Use Scenes
Only use a scene if you have a set of lights with different brightness levels or colors. For example:
If all your lights have the same brightness and colour, it’s better to control them directly using entities and the light control options.
Issues with the Add-on Blueprint
Start Simple, Then Build
Begin by setting things up with just entities:
Thanks I’ll try
This looks to be the start of night lights with no light ON so it stopped it as it should.
You need 2 independent helpers that are only used in the automation.
Good that is correct.
You need independent helpers
I have tested it and I can see the bug. I will fix this and a update will be out soon. Also note if you use If lights are ON, adjust the lights when crossing over in the Night Light Control it will toggle the helpers and adjust your lights. The bug fix will only toggle the helpers and wont adjust your lights.
Thanks for testing it out and reporting the bug in detail as this helps me find it.
Your lighting experience, your way – take control and customize it to perfection!
Bug Fixes
Bypass - Motion trigger is off and check if any by-passes are on, fix sequence back to version 7.8
Crossing Over - When using scenes toggle helpers will change over when lights are ON.
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@Blacky Hoping you can help, I’m trying to setup with a bypass option, I want the sensor light to activate on motion etc, but when bypass is ON for the light NOT to turn off. but atm the motion trigger is not turning on the light what have I done wrong.
the bypass toggle was off at time of automation activate
alias: Hall Motion
description: Turn on Hall Lights
path: Blackshome/sensor-light.yaml
- binary_sensor.hall_motion_sensor_occupancy
include_light_control: use_brightness
include_sun: sun_enabled
time_delay: 0.5
end_scenes: []
include_night_lights: night_lights_disabled
light_brightness: 5
- light.hall_lights
sun_elevation: -1.5
- bypass_enabled_stop
- automation.hall_lights_bypass_toggle
condition: or
- '{{ include_bypass == [] }}'
- condition: and
- >-
{{ ('bypass_enabled_turn_on' in include_bypass) and
('bypass_enabled_turn_off' in include_bypass) and ('bypass_enabled_stop'
in include_bypass) }}
- condition: state
entity_id: []
state: 'off'
- condition: state
entity_id: []
state: 'off'
- condition: state
- automation.hall_lights_bypass_toggle
state: 'off'
- condition: and
- >-
{{ ('bypass_enabled_turn_on' in include_bypass) and
('bypass_enabled_turn_off' in include_bypass) and ('bypass_enabled_stop'
not in include_bypass) }}
- condition: state
entity_id: []
state: 'off'
- condition: state
entity_id: []
state: 'off'
- condition: and
- >-
{{ ('bypass_enabled_turn_on' in include_bypass) and
('bypass_enabled_turn_off' not in include_bypass) and
('bypass_enabled_stop' in include_bypass) }}
- condition: state
entity_id: []
state: 'off'
- condition: state
- automation.hall_lights_bypass_toggle
state: 'off'
- condition: and
- >-
{{ ('bypass_enabled_turn_on' not in include_bypass) and
('bypass_enabled_turn_off' in include_bypass) and ('bypass_enabled_stop'
in include_bypass) }}
- condition: state
entity_id: []
state: 'off'
- condition: state
- automation.hall_lights_bypass_toggle
state: 'off'
- condition: and
- >-
{{ ('bypass_enabled_turn_on' in include_bypass) and
('bypass_enabled_turn_off' not in include_bypass) and
('bypass_enabled_stop' not in include_bypass) }}
- condition: state
entity_id: []
state: 'off'
- condition: and
- >-
{{ ('bypass_enabled_turn_on' not in include_bypass) and
('bypass_enabled_turn_off' in include_bypass) and ('bypass_enabled_stop'
not in include_bypass) }}
- condition: state
entity_id: []
state: 'off'
- condition: and
- >-
{{ ('bypass_enabled_turn_on' not in include_bypass) and
('bypass_enabled_turn_off' not in include_bypass) and
('bypass_enabled_stop' in include_bypass) }}
- condition: state
- automation.hall_lights_bypass_toggle
state: 'off'
- condition: trigger
- t7_on
- t7_off
- t7_stop
- t8_on
- t8_off
- t8_stop
- t17
forget it it was me, I was using the automation to control the bypass and not the actual bypass input boolean in the blue print.
- automation.hall_lights_bypass_toggle
Now I understand what you’re trying to do. We’re going to flip the logic a bit, so don’t worry too much about the terms Lights and Night Lights… just focus on the setup.
Step 1: Create a Template Binary Sensor
Before we begin, ensure your device tracker is already set up. Now, follow these steps to create a Template Binary Sensor to track when no one is home:
State Templates
You will have to choose the one that suits you the best.
{{ states.device_tracker | selectattr('state', 'eq', 'home') | list | count == 0 }}
{{ state_attr('zone.home', 'persons') | list | length == 0 }}
{{ state_attr('zone.home', 'persons') | list | select('in', ['person.one_here', 'person.two_here']) | list | count == 0 }}
Step 2: Configure the Sensor Light Blueprint
Once your binary sensor is created, use these settings in your Sensor Light Blueprint:
In the morning and evening, the light colour will remain the same, but Dynamic Lighting (colour temperature adjustment) will handle that.
For now, set this up and test it… I haven’t run it myself… all in my head, but this is the general approach. Once it’s working, you can explore Dynamic Lighting further.
Let us know how you go.
Thanks so far, I will try it out and feedback what happens;)
I have a bathroom light controlled by a PIR sensor. I use a time delay to keep the light on. Is it possible to reset the time delay if the light is manually turned off? E.g user 1 turns off light while exiting bathroom. User 2 enters and lights stay off until time delay finishes and pir signals motion. I’d like for user 2 to have lights on immediately when pir senses motion