Sensor Logs - Help understanding

This is my sensor yaml:

  - platform: ads1115
    multiplexer: 'A0_A1'
    gain: 4.096 #Using 3v3 supply
    #gain: 6.14
    #resolution: 16_BITS
    id: ads1115_a0_a1
    name: "ADS1115 A0_A1 Voltage"
    update_interval: 1sec
    accuracy_decimals: 5
    unit_of_measurement: "Volts"

  - platform: ina219
    address: 0x40
    id: ina_shunt_votage
    update_interval: 1sec
      name: "INA219 shunt voltage"
      accuracy_decimals: 5
      unit_of_measurement: "Volts"

… and this is a snippet of my log file:

[D][ads1115:186]: 'ADS1115 A0_A1 Voltage': Got Voltage=0.007750V
[D][sensor:094]: 'ADS1115 A0_A1 Voltage': Sending state 0.00775 Volts with 5 decimals of accuracy
[D][sensor:094]: 'INA219 shunt voltage': Sending state 0.00812 Volts with 5 decimals of accuracy
[D][ads1115:186]: 'ADS1115 A0_A1 Voltage': Got Voltage=0.007250V
[D][sensor:094]: 'ADS1115 A0_A1 Voltage': Sending state 0.00725 Volts with 5 decimals of accuracy
[D][sensor:094]: 'INA219 shunt voltage': Sending state 0.00811 Volts with 5 decimals of accuracy
[D][ads1115:186]: 'ADS1115 A0_A1 Voltage': Got Voltage=0.009250V
[D][sensor:094]: 'ADS1115 A0_A1 Voltage': Sending state 0.00925 Volts with 5 decimals of accuracy
[D][sensor:094]: 'INA219 shunt voltage': Sending state 0.00863 Volts with 5 decimals of accuracy
[D][ads1115:186]: 'ADS1115 A0_A1 Voltage': Got Voltage=0.007000V
[D][sensor:094]: 'ADS1115 A0_A1 Voltage': Sending state 0.00700 Volts with 5 decimals of accuracy

Question. Why are there two log lines for the ADS1115 but only one for the INA219?

Regards, Martin

Two different sensors, two different implementations. Developer of one of them decided to add a log for the reading. That’s all.