This is my sensor yaml:
- platform: ads1115
multiplexer: 'A0_A1'
gain: 4.096 #Using 3v3 supply
#gain: 6.14
#resolution: 16_BITS
id: ads1115_a0_a1
name: "ADS1115 A0_A1 Voltage"
update_interval: 1sec
accuracy_decimals: 5
unit_of_measurement: "Volts"
- platform: ina219
address: 0x40
id: ina_shunt_votage
update_interval: 1sec
name: "INA219 shunt voltage"
accuracy_decimals: 5
unit_of_measurement: "Volts"
… and this is a snippet of my log file:
[D][ads1115:186]: 'ADS1115 A0_A1 Voltage': Got Voltage=0.007750V
[D][sensor:094]: 'ADS1115 A0_A1 Voltage': Sending state 0.00775 Volts with 5 decimals of accuracy
[D][sensor:094]: 'INA219 shunt voltage': Sending state 0.00812 Volts with 5 decimals of accuracy
[D][ads1115:186]: 'ADS1115 A0_A1 Voltage': Got Voltage=0.007250V
[D][sensor:094]: 'ADS1115 A0_A1 Voltage': Sending state 0.00725 Volts with 5 decimals of accuracy
[D][sensor:094]: 'INA219 shunt voltage': Sending state 0.00811 Volts with 5 decimals of accuracy
[D][ads1115:186]: 'ADS1115 A0_A1 Voltage': Got Voltage=0.009250V
[D][sensor:094]: 'ADS1115 A0_A1 Voltage': Sending state 0.00925 Volts with 5 decimals of accuracy
[D][sensor:094]: 'INA219 shunt voltage': Sending state 0.00863 Volts with 5 decimals of accuracy
[D][ads1115:186]: 'ADS1115 A0_A1 Voltage': Got Voltage=0.007000V
[D][sensor:094]: 'ADS1115 A0_A1 Voltage': Sending state 0.00700 Volts with 5 decimals of accuracy
Question. Why are there two log lines for the ADS1115 but only one for the INA219?
Regards, Martin