Sensor template isnt the updating value

Ive been up and down the forums looking for a solution but havent found anything yet. My issue is that i have the following sensor:

    - sensor:
      - name: "Solar_Production_Today_Saving"
        unique_id: "All_Solar_Savings_Today"
        state: "{{ (states('sensor.solar_production_of_today') | round (0)) * (0.38 | round (0))}}"
        unit_of_measurement: "€"

sensor.solar_production_of_today is updating regulary and the unit of measurment is kWh (e.g. 0.9kWh).

Problem is it always shows as 0€, Im not sure why the value isnt updating, does anyone have any idea why?

because you’re multiplying it by 0.

0.38 rounded is 0.

Didnt wake up on the right side of bed today, thanks :stuck_out_tongue: