Sensor values to file

Hi people!

I´ve been days trying to success with this configuration, but it seems to have something wrong in it.

My idea is to log the values of my sensor in a file so I can work with it later. I had the file created once, but after deleting it to start again, it is not creating the file any more (however, in HA seems to work fine)

This is my code:

  - platform: file
    name: filenotify
    filename: sensores.csv

  - alias: Registro_datos_sensores
    initial_state: 'on'
      - platform: time_pattern
        minutes: '/1'
        seconds: 00
      - service: notify.filenotify
          message: ", {{ states.sensor.temperature_2131.state }},"

could anyone tell me the problem so that the file “sensores.csv” is not created?

Thanks in advance!