After upgrading to 2023.3.3 I have a couple temperature sensors that forced themselves into all my History cards. I’ve deleted the cards and created them again and the same issue appears. Even though I only add a couple sensors there appears these rogue ones.
It’s the Closet sensors that show up where they shouldn’t. Like they want to break free from the shackles of the closet.
Card Config shows 4 entities to display
But the output has 7.
Here is the code…
Shows the same thing as the UI did.
type: history-graph
- entity: sensor.garage_freezer
- entity: sensor.garage_temp
- entity: switch.garage_opener_switch
- entity: binary_sensor.garage_freezer_door
title: Garage
hours_to_show: 18
Most of these are ESPHome based temp sensors, and deleting those sensors and re-adding them didn’t seem to make a difference either.
Performing a full reboot looks to have resolved it. I had removed the ESP devices before the reboot and added them back afterward.
Not sure if the full reboot resolved or the re-add, but removing and re-adding prior to rebooting didn’t change it, so I suspect it was the full reboot.