Sensors of Kraken integration with "unavailable" state

Hello ,

The kraken integration has been installed bwithout errors

2021-08-07 09:21:11 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setting up kraken
2021-08-07 09:21:11 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of domain kraken took 0.0 seconds
2021-08-07 09:22:14 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.sensor] Setting up sensor.kraken

But time to time the 4 sensors “ask,big,low_today,high_today” are “unavailable”
The 12 others sensors are always “disabled”

=> To delete and re-add the Kranken integration fixed the problem for these 4 sensors ( workaround )

I found the same issue. After every new HA version or every HA restart the Kraken is corrupt. Remove and re-install of integration works as workaround but is not the solution.

Yes same here , after HA restart the kraken integration has to be deleted and re-installed.
Nothing in the log

Some update,

Since the Core 2021.11 update , sounds like the kraken sensors are not set to “unavailable” time to time as already decribed.