Service persistent_notification mark_read versus dismiss: what does it do?

trying to figure out what the only new discovered service persistent_notification.mark_read does, I cant seem to find any hints to that in the docs

Was this recently added, or have I always missed this. I have a rather extensive system of automations using persistent_notifications and automatic dismissal, so am rather interested to see if this could add something useful to the toolbox.
When should we use ‘mark_read’ , what does it do other than the obvious, and how can we see that happening in the frontend.

Second question I have been wanting to ask for some time, is whether we can see the notification_id of the persistent_notifications in the state machine? it’s not an attribute, nor a state attribute, and nowhere to be found. Yet these id’s are automatically created by the system, or manual by setting an id in an automation eg.

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Without testing I would guess the dismiss gets rid of the notification but mark_read leaves it in your notification tray, but reduces the unread messages count in the bubble on the sidebar by one.

yes that could very well be. But how use it then? If one doesn’t know the id, there’s no way to mark_read any notification, without a button in the left_side overview?

Isn’t it a bit odd, this is so ‘undocumented’?