Dear community,
I want to create an “input text” which shows to me when the next wake-up alarm will happen. For that I’m using the new “workday.check_date”-service with its response. Unfortunately, I always get “Error rendering data template: Result is not a Dictionary”. Browsing this forum did not bring a solution so far.
So I add the relevant part of my YAML-code here. I hope I can get a few good hints.
- repeat:
- condition: template
value_template: "{{ wd_chk == true }}"
- service: workday.check_date
entity_id: binary_sensor.workday_sensor
data: >-
{%- set next_wd = as_datetime(states("") + "T" + states("input_datetime.weckzeit")) + timedelta(days=repeat.index) %}
{{ as_timestamp(next_wd)|timestamp_custom("%Y-%m-%d") }}
response_variable: wd_chk
- service: input_text.set_value
value: '{{ as_timestamp(next_wd)|timestamp_custom("%a, %d.%m. %H:%M") }}'
entity_id: input_text.nachster_wecker
THANKS very much for your support!