Service to inject messages to BTHome

It would be awesome to introduce a service for BTHome integration to inject messages similarly to the
“Passive BLE monitor: parse_data” message.

I am in a tweaking mode to forward BTHome messages to Home Assistant .
(project Beethowen - BTHome over ESPHome)

@Ernst FYI

You can already use Bluetooth Proxy — ESPHome to forward data to Home Assistant (including BTHome, but also other BLE sensor integration data like Govee, Xiaomi-ble, etc.

Actually I am trying to use service to inject BTHome data to the BTHome integration.
My source is external source - you can treat it as a special proxy - over ESP-NOW using BTHome format without Bluetooth.

I would love to see a service to parse_data from external source - similarly as we had it in the passive_ble integration.

This is probably something that has to be build in the Bluetooth integration. Its out of my capabilities to add unfortunately