Set baseline in Statistics graph Card

I’m trying to create a dashboard with some crypto currency on it.
We have invested a small amount of money in a few crypto’s (just for playing purposes) and it would be great to see how the price is doing compared to the price we bought it.
I have created some Statistics graph cards, which is good to see the price development over a period, but I do miss an option to set a base line (the price we bought it for).

Is there a way to create a entity with a fixed number to show on the same card to have it visual (price today compared to price bought)?

Huge card mod thread - 1st post - link at the bottom - statistics graph - add zero lower bound.

Or wait for a corr. change in frontend (there is a PR for this).

I have created the sensor but it is not showing in the same graph card as flat line.
Not sure why

I make use of the CryptoState integration from HACS which is easy to use. It creates dynamic sensors which can be used in the Statistics graph card.
In the sensor.yaml I can added this to the script

- platform: template
      value_template: "0,9091"
      friendly_name: "value of Tether"

Any idea?

This sensor does not have LTS.
Create a template sensor using a modern syntax and specify state_class measurement.

Could you please be a bit more specific?
What do you mean with LTS (English is not my native language)
I do understand I need to adjust the sensor I created but could please help me in the right direction (WYSIWYG is what I understand… scripting is something I need to learn and understand)

Thank you

By default, a statistics-graph shows a graph using a minimal sensor’s value as a lower bound.
So, a add a zero lower bound you need to add a sensor which has a constant zero value.
And this sensor must have a stored statistical data (LTS - long time statistics) - this may be achieved by adding “state_class: measurement” attribute to this sensor.
For template sensors it may be done like this:

  - sensor:
      - name: …
        state: …
        state_class: measurement

Read details in Docs.