Set min_temp value trhough a input_number


I would like to set the climate min and max values through an input_numer.
I have tried this:

    # Zone 1 [Woonkamer]
    - name: Woonkamer # Room name
      temperature_address: "8/1/1" # Actual temperture
      temperature_step: 0.5 # Home Assistant slider setting
      target_temperature_address: "8/1/2" # Setpoint comfort input
      target_temperature_state_address: "8/1/4" # Actual setpoint
      operation_mode_address: "8/1/5" # Mode status input
      operation_mode_state_address: "8/1/10" # Mode status output
      #heat_cool_address: '8/0/1'  # Set heating/cooling (niet gebruiken, omschakelen gebeurt automatisch in KNX)
      heat_cool_state_address: '8/0/2' # Reading heating/cooling state
      min_temp: "{{ states('input_number.thermostat_woonkamer_min_temp') }}" #18.0 # Min setting slider in Home Assistant
      max_temp: 26.0 # Max setting slider in Home Assistant

This gives a error: expected float for dictionary value
I have tried with | float, but I thought the input number is already a float.
Is it possible to do this?

No it is not possible. Those configuration options do not support templates.