Setting Homematic HM-CC-RT-DN to MANUAL-Mode


I am very new to HA and YAML. It seemed very easy to integrate a lot of devices in our home but as we have a lot of Homematic stuff an a part of our children only live here on weekends I am trying to save some money by setting down the heating in their rooms.

I tried a lot to set my climate control to manual mode as it is possible from the CCU3 or by keypress on the device. My last attempt looks like this:

condition: state
entity_id: climate.eg_wr_heizungen
attribute: mode
state: Manual

This an a lot of research are no solution. Anybody did that before and can help?


I am working on somethign similar. I use occupancy detection. And when room occupied for 30+ minutes the homematic switches to profile 1 (heating). I set Profile 2 when the room is not longer occupied and profile 3 when on vacation.

Check the document on parameters here:

This sets the device to AUTO mode (0= Auto, 1=Manual, 2=Holiday, 2=Off but see the document above for more details)

      - service: homematicip_local.set_device_value
          device_id: YOURDEVICE_ID
          channel: 1
          parameter: CONTROL_MODE
          value: "0"
          value_type: int

This sets the profile to the one you use (normally profile 1)

      - service: homematicip_local.set_device_value
          device_id: YOURDEVICE_ID
          channel: 1
          parameter: ACTIVE_PROFILE
          value: "2"
          value_type: int

Why so complicated?
Use climate.set_hvac_mode to set Mode. Homematic Manual Mode is heat in HA.
Use climate.set_preset_mode to set the profile. To switch the profile to 2 use Profile 2 as preset.

The reason for HA is to NOT use vendor specific manuals to do standard things.


Thanks, even better!

Thank you. This is the information I was missing.