Setting light effect from a button/binary_sensor

Hey all,

I’m currently preparing my Merge request for the LSC Battletron Desk Strip and got everything working, except for 4 buttons on the remote control.

The remote can change colors, brightness etc, and got this working well. The 4 missing buttons are buttons that set certain effects (random, twinkle etc). But I have no idea how to set these effects. The GUI/webui sets them from a drop/down box, so technically, I want that to just happen as well.

Here’s a snippet of my current config.

  - platform: remote_receiver
    name: "Color Yellow"
      code: [ -9052, 4471, -587, 563, -563, 563, -563, 562, -601, 525, -594, 532, -594, 562, -563, 570, -587, 532, -594, 1688, -538, 1651, -594, 1695, -556, 1657, -563, 1695, -556, 1689, -531, 1695, -556, 1688, -564, 537, -588, 1688, -532, 1695, -556, 563, -562, 1695, -557, 531, -594, 563, -563, 563, -600, 1651, -563, 563, -562, 570, -587, 1657, -563, 563, -569, 1682, -563, 1695, -556, 1657, -563 ]
        - light.addressable_set:
            id: color_light
            red: 100%
            green: 100%
            blue: 0%

  - platform: remote_receiver
    name: "Color Random"
      code: [ -9022, 4500, -587, 531, -594, 537, -587, 563, -562, 563, -593, 532, -600, 556, -562, 562, -594, 531, -594, 1694, -556, 1674, -551, 1650, -593, 1694, -556, 1656, -563, 1694, -556, 1687, -563, 1663, -580, 1663, -563, 532, -602, 552, -563, 1687, -569, 1650, -593, 532, -593, 569, -556, 563, -593, 531, -594, 1663, -587, 1656, -582, 549, -556, 563, -593, 1657, -569, 1680, -563, 1694, -556 ]
        - light<here goes what?>

  - platform: remote_receiver
    name: "Color Magenta"
      code: [ -9042, 4471, -619, 531, -562, 563, -593, 532, -600, 525, -593, 563, -562, 563, -593, 538, -587, 531, -594, 1688, -600, 1650, -562, 1663, -587, 1656, -563, 1662, -556, 1688, -562, 1694, -552, 1660, -570, 1679, -563, 531, -594, 1694, -524, 1688, -565, 566, -556, 563, -593, 532, -593, 563, -569, 556, -562, 1687, -575, 557, -556, 562, -563, 1687, -569, 1681, -562, 1663, -556, 1688, -562 ]
        - light.addressable_set:
            id: color_light
            red: 100%
            green: 0%
            blue: 100%