Setting multiple covers (or dimmed lights) to different opening states (or dimmings)

I am succesfully running ESPSomfy and found a way to individually open the shades to different opening states manually by sliding:

type: entities
state_color: true
title: Rolläden
show_header_toggle: true
  - entity: cover.rolladen
    name: links
    type: custom:slider-entity-row
    step: 1
    full_row: true
    toggle: false
    hide_state: false
    hide_when_off: false
    show_icon: false
    colorize: true
  - entity: cover.l1
    name: L1
    type: custom:slider-entity-row
    step: 1
    toggle: true
  - entity: cover.l2
    name: L2
    type: custom:slider-entity-row
    step: 1
    toggle: true
  - entity: cover.l3
    name: L3
    type: custom:slider-entity-row
    step: 1
    toggle: true
  - entity: cover.l4
    name: L4
    type: custom:slider-entity-row
    step: 1
    toggle: true
  - entity: cover.r1
    name: R1
    type: custom:slider-entity-row
    step: 1
    toggle: true
  - entity: cover.r2
    name: R2
    type: custom:slider-entity-row
    step: 1
    toggle: true
  - entity: cover.r3
    name: R3
    type: custom:slider-entity-row
    step: 1
    toggle: true
  - entity: cover.r4
    name: R4
    type: custom:slider-entity-row
    step: 1
    toggle: true

This is “80%” of what I want :slight_smile: Now I an trying to find a way to have ONE “action/Pushbutton/whatever” to set all covers to a different state at once.
Say cover.l1 to 37, cover.l2 to 54, cover.l3 to 64, … cover.r4 to 60
Reason: In the morning, we open all covers, to get the cool air in. In the Summer we than put them down to a degree, so that we can “see” something in the living room, but do not let the sun shine in too much. In the winter, we have 2 closed and all other open, …

So I personally would have inplemented an array with all shades, and their opening positions and add “Summer”; “Winter” autumn to it, and than run thru it and set the covers to “Summer”, if I decide we have summer :slight_smile:

I have a goot idea how to do such things in perl, e.g. I might find a way in C, but I am totally off here in YAML and HomeAssistant.

I don’t think that one group would help me, as I do want to have each cover set individually, and I absolutely have no idea how to start this. I can cet ONE cover individually, so I could to 8 Buttons and change them manually in Winter/Summer/Autumn, but I have the feeling that this can be done better :slight_smile:

Here the one button solution:

show_name: true
show_icon: true
type: button
  action: none
entity: cover.l1
  action: call-service
  service: espsomfy_rts.set_shade_position
      - cover.l1
    position: 37
name: L1 Rolladen 37%
icon_height: 50px
icon: mdi:window-shutter-settings

any help apprechiated. A 90% start for me would be to have ONE Button which sets all covers to their state (leaving out the summer/autumn/winter idea.)

Future idea would be to automate this according to time in the year and “sun shining”, so it might be an idea to have this as a “somthing” in the background, that is actioned by a helper switch manually so I can than enhance my automation.

thank you