Setting temperature value of zigbee thermostat (Ubisys H10) form another zigbee sensor (Sonoff)

Hi there,

I seem to be at a loss now. I have a Ubisys H10 floor heating regulator with 10 integrated thermostats. I would like to use remote sensing on those and set the local temperatures value to that measured by a Sonoff T+Rh sensors around the house.

How do I go around doing that? I tried binding but only my Coordinator shows up as a bindable device. I also tried to set the value of the cluster via the GUI but it did nothing. The internal thermostats of the Ubisys H10 still show -327.7 C.

Am I missing something obvious?

Hi Patrick,

I don’t know your thermostat, but with my Zigbee Eurotronic, this is the automation I have to keep them in sync. One is the master and updates the other. Maybe it helps.

alias: keep thermostats in Salon in sync
description: >-
  Thermostat_1 is master and updates thermostat_2 if mode or target temperature
  - platform: state
    entity_id: climate.thermostat_salon_1
    attribute: system_mode
  - platform: state
    entity_id: climate.thermostat_salon_1
    attribute: temperature
condition: []
  - service: climate.set_temperature
      temperature: '{{state_attr(''climate.thermostat_salon_1'', ''temperature'')}}'
      device_id: c4d8832848cfbc4cf37509bd7da978a1
  - service: climate.set_preset_mode
      preset_mode: '{{state_attr(''climate.thermostat_salon_1'', ''system_mode'')}}'
      device_id: c4d8832848cfbc4cf37509bd7da978a1
mode: single

If its shows wrong temperature you probably also need a “quirk” to fix the divisor and/or multiplier:

Submit a new device support request

The reason why is explained in ZHA docs