Setting 'type: simple-entity' looses state color of icon

I wish to make a certain switch entity in my entities card “less prone to unintentional change”.
The type: simple-entity makes just that, by removing the toggle switch from the frontend, and instead forcing the user to click the row and then to toggle the switch. Elegant, and much appreciated.
However, the icon-color that used to follow the state of the switch, make the entity appear as if it was constatly “off”, (even though the state is written out in plain text on the far right).


A non-experienced user who just takes a quick glance on the entities card (i.e. >80% of this forums’ spouses), may think that something is wrong and cause them unnecessary stress, and questioning of the person who set up this system. :slight_smile:

Is it possible to make the icon follow the entities state, without resorting to plug-ins like card-mod?

Add this to the card, or possibly the entity row:

state_color: true
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Sorry, I should have mentioned that.
That line is already in the entities card configuration (otherwise I wouldn’t have the yellow radiator in the first screenshot).
And I tried to add it to the entity itself, but it didn’t do anything (that I could notice).