Setting up Dark sky

Im a little confused on setting up dark sky:

I have the weather platform for dark sky set up and working, I now need dark sky sensors set up.

When setting these up it seems they both require the api_key. Would this result in me polling twice i.e. doubling my requests each day?

You assumption is correct denver. You would double the requests when using both integrations.

If you want to keep the weather integration (and can live with the fact that not all data of the sensor integration is available when using the weather integration) you can use the template sensor to extract the required data.

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: Temperature
          - weather.dark_sky
        unit_of_measurement: "°C"
        device_class: temperature
        value_template: "{{ }}"
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Thank you Florian, this all came about whilst dabbling with dashboards. I had been using the weather platform with no problem but whilst playing around with dashboards it seems to require the weather sensor. Unless there’s away around that.

Lovelace is all I need so I can’t say if there is a way around that. But the usage of the above mentioned template sensor allows to create most of the dark sky sensor information without losing the weather integration. Just give it a try, maybe it does the job for dashboards too :wink:

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Hi Guys - also having some trouble setting up Dark Sky with Home Assistant… Followed the instructions here and signed up for darksky API. I don’t see the information show up on the HA dashboard. Is there something else I need to configure? Thanks!

Stuff doesn’t appear in lovelace unless you add it in a card.

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