Setting up Google Actions for Assistant

Thanks, I’m going to say this is above my head, I don’t know how to run step 2.

I don´t really know what I did but finally I´ve got duckdns and let´s encrypt to work stable, but when I push test my app comes a blak page with a message saying “invalid client id” anyone can help me?

What do you have listed as a client_id in your configuration.yaml? And is this the value that you added in the Google Actions web console per the instructions?

yes are both the same, I wroe down several numbers and leters, more or less 80.

After setting up everything correctly I am trying to add my Home Assistant app to the Google Home app it shows me the rooms with an empty page for a few seconds and then it disappears with a success message but it is not added to my devices.
How to fix this?

Anyone? Still giving me invalid client id, the client id are the same on console and in my config, and have 80 just letters and numbers

The client id you put in the configuration.yaml should be the one given by Google and not the one you made up.

I think so anyway…

Here it says its a random long url

yeah thats what i was thinking too… but someone told me somewhere else that it has to be the google’s one… although im not sure myself.

It says…URL safe random string and not random long URL

How can i generate one of these in windows?

The client id (and auth code) is indeed one that you create yourself.
The project_id is one that google creates (using part of your app name).

Regarding creating it in windows, the first hit on google is that could help you.
Enter 4 strings of 20 long to get a string of 80.

Tks very much, it seems that this is not my problem, I did it everything again and I’ve got the same message that is invalid client id

@ArisSaraiva - perhaps a screenshot of your Actions on Google console settings and your config might help (REDACT your sensitive information first)

Did you setup both client id and access_token correctly in both HA and Google?

One mistake i did when i configured… Have you pressed the “Test Draft” button after each change?
It is after that your settings is live.


Would it be that it is only possible to have one Google Actions project in testing mode at a time?

I managed to configure Google Actions to control my devices with my Google Home and everything went well for some time. I then played around with Dialogflow and created a new Google Actions project to read the values of my sensors from Home Assistant into Google Assistant, and it worked in the online simulator once in the testing mode. But I then realised that I couldn’t control anymore my devices from Google Home and I had to put again my first project in test mode and unlink/link all my devices again for them to work (which then made my second project not work anymore).

It would be quite a limitation to have only one project in testing at a time so if anyone managed to get multiple projects simultaneously in testing mode I would be more than happy to follow the same steps!

I´ll do it today, I´ve tried and change so many times, maybe my eyes are not reading my mistakes anymore, I´ll print screen and send it here, thanks for the help anyway.

As I told I changed so many times that I really don´t know if I tested but I´ll try again taking this in consideration and let you know.

You can run both and Google Assistant.

Thanks for replying.

I don’t know if I explained correctly the problem I am facing. I am actually trying to have two different Google Actions projects in Test at the same time:

Project 1- Control Home Assistant connected devices from Google Assistant / Google Home
Requires a project in Test status in Google Actions, setup with gactions following this tutorial:

Project 2- Read data about Home Assistant sensors from Google Assistant / Google Home
Requires a project in Test status in Google Actions mapped to a Dialogflow project

Both projects work fine independently but it just seems that I can’t have the 2 of them being tested at the same time so I need to choose if I want to use Project 1 or Project 2.