Setting up Google Assistant Intents in HA

I can’t find any examples of people using Google Assistant Intents in HA and I’m wondering if the Intent Script Integration works the way I am imagining, since the docs are very limited. They do mention being able to work with Google Assistant but that’s as far as it goes.

My idea is to have my kitchen Google Home speaker ask us if we want to know a specific thing when the motion detector picks us up first thing in the morning. In this case I’d like it to ask if we need to buy fuel today. Based on the Google Assistant Intents documentation that should be possible such that we can then answer with a yes or no, then Google will process the next step based on our answer. In my case if we say yes I want the Google speaker to read out the cheapest fuel near me. I already have the fuel price info in HA through a RSS feed so getting the data is not a problem.

Is this functionality possible with the HA Intents? Does anyone have an example?

The HA intent is only the HA actions performed as the result of a dialog created with Dialogflow Documentation | Google Cloud

I have no experience myself with DialogFlow development, though.

Which is fine… I think, since I want the ‘yes’ voice response from me to trigger HA to run a TTS message to read out the fuel price and location (from the RSS feed data already in HA).

I just don’t know to code it into HA to get Google to read the question as an Intent.

As I said,.for google’to “read” you answer,.i.e. for a dialog to happen, that is done in DialigFliw

I’ll go I to the Google docs to work out how to create the dialogue.

So… What does the HA intent do exactly then? Does that interface to dialogue flow to be the action that dialogue flow calls?

Yep, exactly

Well, after reading through the Dialogflow stuff and trying to set one up it seems rather complicated and I’m a bit lost.

So, hoping someone with an example comes along to help.