Setting Up Tasmota

Can I have some advice please…
I have a sonoff zigbee network in the house using a usb dongle.
In order to get some sonoff sensors in my shed to the house I understand I cannot use another zigbee dongle in the shed.
I have a sonoff bridge pro flashed with tasmota.
If I understand things correctly I now have to:

  1. Power the bridge up and join it to my wifi network
  2. Add tasmota to my home assistant.
  3. Install ZHA.

Is this the way to go?
Thank you

It is a little bit more complicated then that.

This can’t work on its own, it needs an integration, either ZHA or Zigbee2MQTT

That is where it gets complicated. You can only have one ZHA instance in HA. If your main Zigbee network uses ZHA, you can’t use it for your Sonoff ZbBridge Pro.

So you have to use either Zigbee2Tasmota or Zigbee2MQTT on that one.

Zigbee - Tasmota is a pain to set up, as it does not support discovery, so I would go with Zigbee2MQTT.

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Thank you for your reply.
I should have been a little clearer.
I have MQTT installed and the zigbee dongle in the house is using zigbee2mqtt. This is working well.
My plan is to now use the sonoff bridge which has been flashed to tasmota in the shed.
Hence my steps (which I think are correct) are:

  1. Power the bridge up and join it to my wifi network
  2. Add tasmota to my home assistant.
  3. Install ZHA.
    I should then have 2 networks.
    Will this work?

Yes, that should work.

Cheers francisp, I’ll give it a go