Settings auto generation

I have a couple of my software products and I want to integrate its settings into home assistant.
But I don’t want to develop separate integration for each software. Is there some kind of universal block that can receive settings list from the application (for example in JSON format), generate automatically UI for this list, and then send these settings back when the user changes something. The most common things that I want are switches, buttons, sliders that have a different range, dropdown lists.

Look at mqtt. It is the lingua franca for home automation.

I read about it. As I understand from protocol, it can’t tell you “I have parameter X in range from 0 to 100 with value 5” or "I have parameter Y that is list with values ‘blue/green/yellow’ ".

build that safeguard on your mqtt integration side, or handle it on the template side by having that in all your responses as a json object. MQTT is just a message at a location. You can place anything in the message.

hell, you can have multiple topics. One topic can be dedicated to telling you the range of your device. Then plop that in as a attribute template and check against your attributes when sending the command.

You have endless options here.