Setup Athom smart plug dashboard to calculate kWh/$

Hey all,

I am trying to improve my HAOS setup, it have been negligenced for ages and I just performed a clean Proxmox HAOS setup.

So, I have a few of these Athom smart plugs like this plug for my 3D printer.
Also, I pay electricity based on the time of the day like peak hour, off-peak, shoulder, others.

Is there a way to fetch the values from the Athom plugs and have a logic in place to do for example:

if hour =< 14PM 
   kWh = $0.38500
if hour > 14PM
   kWh = $0.21450
if hour > 20PM
   kWh = $0.10000

Logic to calculate the "Athom Smart Plug V2 Energy" in currency value


idk if this is remotely possible but would love some input
Thank you

Look at threads like: [GUIDE] Australian Electricity Demand tariffs (e.g AGL) - #153 by nickt444

IMHO you’d be better off just working out your house (overall) costs. If however for some reason you wanted the running cost on a per plug basis, you’d be better off still defining a ‘Electricity - Cost’ sensor and having the plug query that, instead of manually defining the cost within the plug firmware.

From: Home-Assistant/packages/huawei_solar_electricity_costs.yaml at b4f90ea80d80867dc4ad292563d5d857c3113cd1 · Roving-Ronin/Home-Assistant · GitHub you could use just the electricity_price sensor

  - sensor:

#  Electricity_Price provides a method to allow selecting the 'Use an entity with current rate' in Energy Dashboard.
#  This tariff plan is based upon a Time of Use (ToU) plan with different charges at the following times:
#  Peak      : $0.38500 p/kWh. Between 12:00am - 2:00pm.
#  Shoulder  : $0.21450 p/kWh. Between 2:00pm - 8:00pm.
#  Off-Peak  : $0.10000 p/kWh. Between 8:00pm - 12:00am.
#  Note: If you energy provider plan has different times, you must update them below AND also in the Automation (that updates the Selector) at the bottom.

    - name: "Electricity - Price" 
      unique_id: electricity_price
      unit_of_measurement: "$/kWh"
      device_class: monetary
      state:  "
        {%set Peak = 0.38500 %}
        {%set Shoulder = 0.21450 %}
        {%set OffPeak = 0.10000 %}
        {%set H = as_timestamp(now())|timestamp_custom ('%-H')|float(0) %} {##Hour (24-hour clock) as a decimal number. 0, 1, 2, ... 23##}
        {% if (H >= 0) and (H < 14) %} {{Peak}}
        {% elif (H >= 14) and (H < 20) %} {{Shoulder}}
        {##off peak##}
        {% else %} {{OffPeak}}
        {% endif %}

This should give you a Electricity_Price sensor in HA, that will constantly update based on the time periods to publish ‘the’ current price. You could then query this in ESPHome to make a cost sensor. See: Home Assistant Sensor — ESPHome , something like:

  - platform: homeassistant
    name: "Electricity Tariff Rate"
    entity_id: sensor.electricity_price

I would suggest raising this as an idea in athom-tech/athom-configs Ideas · Discussions · GitHub and see if there is wider interest in doing this and if Athom would support adding it for everyone? (this would require Athom to publish some example electricity_price yaml sensors to guide people depending upon if they are flat rate, Time of Use (ToU) etc for their energy costs.