I’m new with HA and have the newest version running on RPI4.
Also the Roth Touchline Integration is running, with this entry in configuration.yaml:
I have the same problem. It seems that the integration is not build for more than one controller. I don’t know if there is a workaround to start more than one instance of the integration… Help! HA experts…
However, there is an easy fix, if your setup allows it:
You can link the controllers as Master-Slave and then only connect the master to the network. That way thermostats on the master and the slave controller will show up in HA. The controllers must be in wireless-range and you might want to setup local pump control.
I have the Master-Slave configuration, but in fact the third controller is a bit of wireless range, but still works.
However, a workaround could be to copy the touchline integration and add it as an additional custom component. For that just create a new folder e.g. touchline_one_more and copy these three original source files to into this folder (https://github.com/home-assistant/core/tree/dev/homeassistant/components/touchline). Rename in the manifest file the domain and name item to touchline_one_more and add a version number "version": "0.1.0", (won’t work without it).
Then you can add it to your configuration.yaml like this.