Shelly 1 vs Zooz ZEN51

I’m planning to “smartify” some basic light switches, and I am considering using either a Shelly 1 or a Zooz ZEN51 to do the trick. I am in the US, and using 120VAC. I also have a Z-Wave 700 network up and running already, with several mains-powered switches near the installation location.

Any opinions about which is the better device to use? Pricing is just a few dollars difference between a UL-rated Shelly and the ZEN51, so price is not my main consideration. I’ve used the Shelly for another application and it works pretty well, but I’m interested in feedback between the two devices.


Comes down to preference here, really. Would your network benefit from a Z-Wave repeater in that location? If so, go for the Zooz.
Otherwise I don’t think it matters.
I have used both the Shelly (2PM to be exact) and use multiple ZEN52 and I don’t see any big feature difference between them.
I personally prefer the terminals of the Shelly over the pigtails on the Zooz as those pigtails tend to take up quite some space in the box. But since I’m focussing my network on Z-Wave I still mostly use Zooz devices.

Maybe to add one more thing: My ZEN52 are not completely silent, they do have some kind of coil hiss coming from the device. It’s not audible once I put on the faceplates on my switches but it is audible from the one I put in my ceiling fan which is about 2m overhead from my seating position in my office.
I did not notice anything similar with the Shellys. I also find the relay click from the Shelly to be less audible.

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